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  • 什么是自助游?
    Don't worry. We are not leaving you to fend for yourself in an unfamiliar corner of Southwestern Ontario! Self-guided means you are in control in terms of pace, distance, start and finish times, coffee & leisure stops, etc. Due to the easy use of apps and routes digitally, cyclists who are more experienced or independent can take advantage of our expert local knowledge and extensive local contacts. Our team produces an in-depth, detailed, up to date Itinerary for your entire trip, we transfer your luggage from A-B-C and leave you free to adjust your trip as much or as little as you choose. We make available if necessary local mechanics and van support where needed (at an extra cost) and can pre-book all your main meals (breakfast and dinners) along with places to stay. Behind the scenes we are your extensive support team and other things you would rather forget about to focus, instead, on the days' ride and your holiday on two wheels.
  • 什么是指南?
    Our guidebooks are information packages designed to give you an overview of what to expect on each of our tours. The information in each guidebook package is relatively fixed and precisely just that, an overview of your experience with our team. Whereas, once you have registered and begun the process of working towards your adventure with NCT, we provide a more detailed itinerary that outlines exact maps and what to do and when to do it (i.e., group breakfast and dinner). The information in our itinerary is a little more variable depending on availability, seasonal operations, etc. Itineraries are typically provided 5-7 days out from your booked trip.
  • 我是一个自行车新手,但我真的很想参加我的第一次多日游,你们的团队可以容纳我吗?”
    Yes, our tours are exactly designed for someone who is already able to ride on their own (mostly) for 50-75 kms in one day (and the next day you can actually walk!). If that is you now, it is just a few more big rides and higher than usual volume weeks of cycling to get you one step closer to the fitness you require to enjoy these tours. The keyword is Enjoy! It won't be a pleasant cycling vacation if you are so exhausted after Day One that you can't enjoy dinner and camaraderie in the evening, and we have to wake you up the next day and your muscles are too sore to continue! Finally remember that we have 2-day Intro Tours that are designed for someone who may not be ready to jump right into a full-on 4-5 day trip. These entry-level tours start and finish in Niagara-on-the-Lake or really any other market, and can include a Friday or Monday add-on to give you the perfect start to the 2022 cycling season. All participants in these early season Tours will be offered generous discounts on longer Tours later in future.
  • 您会为新手骑手提供一些指导和指导吗?
    Yes, depending on how busy we are the team we have assembled includes experienced cyclists and coaches whose role includes helping all of our participants to be 100% ready on Day One for a safe, enjoyable, and challenging bike tour. We can provide you with some general guidelines and training plans to get you from where you are now to where you need to be when your Tour starts. Once we are out on the roads it is probably too late so make sure to be honest with yourself and more importantly take this new challenge ahead of you seriously and train like you mean it! A well-trained athlete in any sport or discipline is a happy one.
  • 我的搭档不像我那样健康或不愿意整天骑车,你们的 Tour 为想要加入乐趣但骑车量较少的两人一组中的第二个人提供什么?”
    Our spring 2-day rides are best suited to novice cyclists who will have more flexibility to choose your own adventure as these tours start and finish from Niagara-on-the-Lake. The Classic Four-Day Tours will have options for shorter-day riding but overall these Tours are designed for those cyclists who want to spend 6+ hours each day on their bike. Each day you can skip some of the longer duration routes and take a more direct path to our next destination, BUT, your luggage and support options will be limited so its better in this instance to start later in the morning and meet the first returning riders mid-afternoon. Plus many of our rooms will not be ready. Can you carry a book with you? ​
  • 我是那些害怕交通和繁忙道路的紧张自行车手之一,这些 Tours 的路线是什么样的?”
    One of the best features of these Tours are the quiet roads and "roads less travelled". Our routes also include some paths and trails (paved) so we strive as much as possible to keep everyone off major roads. A surprisingly large number of your travels wil include secondary roads with ample bike path room but understand these roads are "open" to regular traffic and this includes many tractors and farm vehicles. We expect all cyclists to ride like they would anywhere else, wearing a helmet and not being distracted with headphones or smartphones. Safety is our first and foremost concern. ​
  • 团体早餐和晚餐是否提供素食或其他选择?
    Yes we will strive to accommodate all dining options including vegetarian and vegan friendly options.
  • 我不喝酒,会减价吗?”
    Alcohol is only included where explicitly listed or when our team provides it at a group dinner. So fear not, those costs are not part of the price.
  • 如果下雨怎么办?
    Like any outdoor event, it's rain or shine, so we encourage everyone to train in all conditions and pack the necessary rain gear if the day starts with a grey forecast. The support vehicle(s) will always be available at a minimum of 2x per day, so it is also possible to grab extra clothes or change into dry ones at the first coffee stop or lunch break. The exception is severe weather conditions such as lightning or dangerous, high winds. Sometimes a Bike Tour like ours can either resort to a Plan B and re-route the day's agenda if storm clouds ahead arrive sooner than expected, or it is normal for everyone to pull over and seek safe shelter while the weather passes. ​
  • 如果我迷路了,或者我的自行车坏了,会有人来接我吗?”
    All riders regardless of the level of experience MUST carry with them a spare tube and repair kit, for the most common bike malfunction (Flat Tire). We may even ask you to send us a video of you doing this before you show up. (: Repairs beyond normal repair like a damaged tire, broken derailer, or worse will be managed in several ways. We will have bike repair shops, mechanics, and service providers at our beck and call and none will be more than 30-minutes away no matter where you are on the route. Plus everyone on the Tour will be connected with a shared WhatsApp or similar communications strategy, so we expect everyone to never be too far away if trouble arises. If you reach the outskirts of Hamilton, Port Dover, Toronto, or Buffalo you have taken a wrong turn! ​ ​
  • 我和我的朋友想早起晚结束,我们想骑尽可能多的公里,这些 Tours 将如何支持这种习惯?”
    All routes are designed and planned to allow any cyclists the opportunity to add extra riding before the day starts or at the end of the pre-determined routes. So yes, if you want to add 25-50 or even more kilometers we can assist you even on short notice, BUT, we cannot guarantee any vehicle support (drinks, snacks, repair support) for these extracurricular endeavours. ​
  • 如果我在第一天后改变主意并决定减少对这么多骑行的热情怎么办?
    We have designed our routes and itinerary to allow for rest or shortened day in the middle of your experience. This means your luggage will still be delivered and you can opt for a shorter duration ride. BUT this also means you may arrive early at our next destination before the support vehicle delivers your luggage, and/or your room may not be ready so plan for that outcome.
  • 我和我的朋友真的很喜欢葡萄酒(首先),然后是骑自行车,会有很多品酒会和酒厂停留吗?”
    This Tour is not a wine tour, there are many local Niagara-on-the-Lake Bike Tour companies that focus on half or full day bike tours with lots of wine stops, and usually, these great tours provide bike rentals. Niagara Cycling Tours are more for riders and cyclists (first) who of course love wine, as we will pass by most major wineries on these routes. You can drink wine with your lunch and you can stop as much as you want to try and taste different types of wines. And of course at dinner wine will always be available, but if you are still reading our website and are now on your second glass it is probably not for you. Our schedules and itineraries are designed for cyclists who want to spend most of the day "in the saddle". We encourage our cyclists to keep water and sports drink in their bottles!
  • 我真的不喜欢公路车,更喜欢混合动力车,可以吗?”
    Yes, technically depending on your style and ability/fitness level you could complete some or all of our Tour on a non-road bike, especially if you keep your stops to a minimum and you do some group riding (2 riders at least taking turns at the front). ​
  • 我可以带电动自行车吗?
    Yes. E-bikes, Pedal Assist Bikes and other similar types of bikes with assistance are allowed under certain circumstances. Our philosophy is mostly traditional, standard bike riding and tours but already in 2022 we have been able to accommodate many small groups of Tours where one member within the group is unable to match the experience or power of others. We prefer Pedal Assist bikes where no throttle (100%) is deployed as we feel the majority of this flat region lends itself to minimal assistance.
  • 如果我的自行车或行李丢失或被盗怎么办?
    All Tours include comprehensive insurance coverage against these unfortunate circumstances, but we also suggest you consult your own policy to determine what if any coverage you might have. We will have access to some spare bikes rentable from local bike shops and other Tour Operators so you will still be able to continue your trip even if your bike requires repair work that takes a few days. ​
  • 这些旅行的道路和地形如何?
    Almost 100% of the roads we travel on will be paved highways and bike paths, but the creative genius(s) behind these interesting routes and roads have included a few very small and short gravel / hard-packed sections for the purpose of the views, passing of unique historical stops or interesting trails we have scouted to ensure any road bike will be fine for a short section. This literally may mean a few hundred yards or on one section we think a 10k detour will have you raving about the change of scenery. There will always be options to bypass or skip these "off-road" adventures and believe us the last thing we want is to have to change everyone's tires at once!
  • 我的小组对住宿有自己的想法,我们更喜欢一起吃饭。 在这些巡回赛上,结果会是怎样的?
    Great question. We don't expect everyone to want to eat and enjoy the company of others at all times and we will make exceptions where possible. This is why Niagara Cycling Tours offers custom group packages sometimes at the same timeframes as you see listed in our calendar and then also anytime your group or company wants to join us. We have a special form, HERE, for anyone considering this alternative, keep in mind if we become too busy or unable to specialize your trip details you may be required to pay a special advance deposit against this package. For more details before filling out the form, visit our custom tour page. Remember custom trips usually mean a little higher cost, if you are looking to save or reduce the advertised packages and pricing maybe consider starting with our 2-day intro packages that have lower costs. While here you can add-on your own extra riding days on your own
  • 我可以一个人旅行/注册吗?
    Absolutely! Our Classic tours have a lot of group related activities so there is plenty of opportunity for social interaction - or not. You can choose what works for you. Our Into Ride and One-Day Mega Ride are more independent endeavour, but depending on how many people have registered for the same day, you may have a chance to see others. Solo riding is welcome though and we are around to support as needed.
  • 我讨厌氨纶,无法想象“看起来”像我在电视上看到的那些公路自行车手。 该怎么办?”
    We love your style. We don't or won't judge anyone regardless if your bike was a hand-me-down from your parents' generation or your cycling attire is fashionable but maybe not as functional. If you want to ride the higher volumes as advertised here we think based on experience that ultra-comfort should take precedence over anything else. You may be able to ride locally on your own for a few hours or half a day but over time this strategy may come back to bite you...know...where..... ​ We just ask that everyone wear an approved OCA cycling helmet and have reflective clothing or items if needed, but we know some retro road bikes are just as good as the latest and greatest (and $$$$) road bikes. It is all about comfort so whatever your game plan make sure it's been tried and tested well ahead of time. Our on-site medical kit will handle sore bums (Bike Bum is a real thing, look it up). And Bike Rashes. Chafing. etc.
  • 您的 Covid-19 预防措施和计划是什么样的?
    Like any events and tourism planning company in 2021, we will be doing everything and anything we can to help make your experience with us safe. Our staff have been trained to handle all protocols and situations that may arise and this includes safe execution already of events within the timeframe of the pandemic. Our first and foremost interest is to execute and organize a safe cycling vacation and this starts from the first day you arrive until we finish on our last day. No venues, accommodation partners, dining facilities or organized rest stops will be chosen without careful vetting ahead of time. Masks will not be required while riding but unless stated otherwise we expect these will be needed indoors when not eating or drinking. ​ NCT has recently been awarded a #SafeTravelStamp, which is recognized globally for adopting proper, standardized health and hygiene protocols. Check out our stamp on our home page and in our guide!
  • 丘陵呢? 我讨厌山,上山,尤其是轰炸下山。 我可以在面包车里搭个电梯来避开这些吗?”
    Funny. We have heard this before, but don't worry, there are very few "hills" in the entire Niagara Region, which may be a turn off for some cyclists who have enjoyed Italian and French mountain riding. You may only encounter 2-3 climbs of any significance over an entire 4-5 day Tour with us and we're talking a 3-4 minute MAX incline, nothing really to sweat about and if you really had to walk your bike up these few sections you won't lose much time on the group.
  • 我不想成为最后一个!我经常发现自己在耐力运动中处于落后地位。
    The last riders gets the biggest piece of cake? We understand your frustration but remember its not a race but a Tour. If you are last it means you go your moneys worth, and you took the best photos. Plus we have many great excuses you can use, for free. My tire blew. I got lost in that tornado that swept through my area. I helped an injured squirrel back to safety. I picked random berries for a snack and fell asleep like that girl Dorothy. I stopped at the golf course and played 9. etc.
  • 在旅行期间我的车会怎样?
    Ride assured as we have fantastic accommodation partners that will allow you to leave your car on-site for the duration of your tour. This parking option is available to all participants across all tours. So, even though you may be meandering through the Niagara Region, taking in the beautiful sights of over 30 towns and villages we pedal through, your car will be safe and permitted to stay where you originally parked it. Since we will be finishing up in Niagara-on-the-Lake, we will get you right back to it after the ride is over.
  • 行李转运如何运作?我需要做什么?
    While our tours are self-guided, we do offer support. A team member of ours will coordinate and take care of your luggage from stay-to-stay. All you need to do is leave your luggage in a predetermined place on-site at the accommodation, but don't worry about that yet! Our coordinator will give you all the specifics when you meet them in person.
  • 我每天要骑多少公里?
    Our tours focus on high-mileage, really looking to test your limits and all the training you have been putting in to get to this point. With that said, our terrain is primarily flat and friendly, so while there will be a lot of miles to cover, many will be forgiving. Each tour will offer options - both short and long - on the long routes you can expect to cover anywhere between 90-200 kms per day. The short route options will regulary offer days of 60+ kms. Feel free to alternate between short and long, especially if you are doing our 4 or 5 day tours.
  • 我可以边骑边听音乐吗?
    We strongly, strongly encourage safe cycling. To us, that means no music or headphones in as you ride. While many of the routes will take you outside villages and towns where traffic may be sparse, we believe it is best to remain aware and engaged by being distraction free as you ride - besides, you will be cycling some of the most beautiful terrain in Ontario, enjoy it (: . We also reccommend taking pictures, commemorating your experience and enjoying yourself - but please, stop and get off your bike to do so. This is a fun trip and we want to keep you safe, but we need your help. Enjoy the scenery a snap some shot from a stationary position and we can all 'ooh' and 'awh' over your shots in the evening over dinner.
  • 为什么要预订 Niagara Cycling Tours?
    Our new company is not new to creating amazing experiences and memories for our customer. Over 10,000 satisfied customers enjoyed a successful event experience with Good Times Running Inc. (Monster Dash Canada, the Toronto Corporate Run, Midnite Run Toronto and Isolation Run 2020) and over 1,000 clients signed up and worked with All Sports Marketing ( and over the 19 years in business. Niagara Cycling Tours brings a wealth of direct knowledge, expertise, enthusiasm, and roll-up-the sleeves hard work in making sure every detail is covered and every contingency is planned and prepared for. We guarantee if you show up ready with us you will enjoy your time spent with our team. We have partnered with an experienced Tour Operator in the USA so you can feel good knowing everything we do comes with thorough research, exceptional attention to detail and team members who have years of experience behind two wheels.
  • 我已经准备好预订了,现在呢?”
    Things are getting exciting! You are ready to sign-up and start the process to join us this summer, so now what? Well, hop on over to our tours page and either review our offerings or select the one you intend to sign-up for. Once you hit the 'book now' button you will be taken to our registration page. Once you create a profile with our registration provider, RaceRoster, you will be able to selct your tour. You will then be asked to provide some information and read some of our requirements, such as: - A bit about yourself (name, age, medical alerts we should be aware of, cycling history, etc.) - Provide your credit card information to make your deposit and hold your spot. Please note: we are currently only allowing for $100 deposits to be made. As the state of the province improves, we will then invite you back with a $100 off promo code to complete youur registration. This will be in early May. - Read and sign our waiver Once this is complete, you will get some communications from us confirming your awesome decision! Review the Question below for more details on what is next.
  • 预订后会发生什么?
    First off, congratulations! Taking the first step towards an awesome riding vacation is huge and we are excited to share this experience with you. Once hitting that 'book' button, you will soon after recieve confirmation email/receipt from our registration provider - Race Roster - confirming you have held your place. Within 24 hours of signing-up, you will receive an email directly form us again confirming your spot and outlining some of the next steps. When we invite you back to complete your registration, you will be able to add on protection insurance at that time.
  • 我的旅行/购买中包含什么?
    At NCT, we aim to take the stress and coordination challenges off your hands. For your convenience, trip prices include the following: Lodging with pre-approved and vetted accommodation partners All breakfasts and dinners (1 on our Intro Tour) Niagara Cycling Jersey for all participants Top quality water bottle as part of our Classic Tour (can be added at checkout for all other tours!) Luggage transfers (see Van support below) Group connection and coordination via a WhatsApp or other communication strategy Comprehensive Tour Details with detailed pre-trip information Detailed route instructions and maps (digital or paper-based form) Van support with local staff for emergencies, some rest stop support, snacks and occasional tips and advice Welcome goodie bag with useful items from local merchants and suppliers for our Classic Tours Listings of all the great Stop and Shoot Photo opportunities Loyalty Program on future trip bookings, plus referral promotions too! Trip prices do not include the following: GPS devices & Handlebar mount - Can be added as part of the checkout process Excursions and activities in the towns we pass through - We are excited to connect you with local experts and attractions and help with suggestions, additional costs depend on the individual attraction you look to book An on-bike tour guide - We do offer custom tours where this is a potential add-on. As part of our curated classic weekday and weekend packages though, there is no on-bike guide Add some other important cycling-related swag from NCT like arm warmers, rain or cold weather apparel, and a water bottle, or two, if you are a two-cage kind of cyclist BIKE RENTALS - we do have access to a limited number of high-quality road bikes, so if this is something you need add this when you register OR find, test and fit your own rental from a local bike shop in your area - we do not include or provide bikes, helmets or any accessories with all Tour Packages Lunch or Coffee stops except where explicitly listed
  • 如果我在旅行开始前几天受伤或生病怎么办?
    Please consult our refund policy before booking. As you may imagine, many details and plans go into building each trip, and if you cannot provide enough notice or fill your spot with someone else we will not be able to provide a partial or full refund. This is why you can buy cancellation insurance with your Insurance Provider.
  • 我在哪里可以找到有关退款、取消、政策和需要知道的付款信息的更多信息?”
    Please view our detailed policies and all other need-to-know information here If there is something you want to know that we do not have listed on our pages, send us a message through our website chat, our email -, or any of our social media channels! We would be happy to answer your questions and then post them on our site for like-minded cyclists who may have the same question.


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